Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, Good Day, Bad Day, Tough Day!

Monday, Good day, Bad Day, Tough Day!  

That sort of sums it up for me right now. On a good note I got up this morning feeling focused and positive. I had had little sleep last night due to the fact that I was dropping off a sample portrait to the High Museum for an auction. I spent a good deal of the night designing a gift certificate for the auction and had a real struggle getting the colors to print correctly. It worked out though and I did get it in on time, after which I went to the Monday morning drawing group at the Atlanta Artists Center.  The model was Angie and she was wonderful to paint. For that time at least any troubles I had seemed so far away. Maybe that's why I keep at it, to experience that peaceful feeling when the rest of my world seems to be in such turmoil. 

The High Art Day's Auction was over by 4pm and I went back to pick up my sample portrait. No word yet on weather the gift certificate sold. I'll hear in a few days. I hate waiting to find out about stuff like this. I did sell one small painting today from a show that opened last Friday. I'm hoping for more sales as time goes on. The show will be up until mid December.  Junor Gallery is having it's opening this week as well on Thursday so I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. 

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